About This Content While she was a freshman at the Halion VI Hairdresser Academy Ksenia was chosen by a cosmic force along with four fellow students. This cosmic force promised to unlock the hidden potential within each of them, and arranged for brightly-colored spandex suits of armor to be delivered to their student dorms. They were tasked with fighting evil monsters that threatened the galaxy, and boldly they faced their destiny. Sadly, the 'cosmic force' turned out to be some hacker kid that had been rejected from the academy a year earlier, and Ksenia's fellow chosen-ones were squished when a 20-story tall monster waltzed into town. Ksenia still managed to defeat the monster on her own, and even though she never heard from the 'cosmic force' again after that, she continued to hunt down giant monsters as a part-time job during her time at the academy. This DLC contains a custom skin for Ksenia in Awesomenauts. You need to have Ksenia available as a playable character in order to access the skin in-game. Owning this skin will also unlock the special portrait for use in-game. 7aa9394dea Title: Awesomenauts - Cosmic Captain Ksenia SkinGenre: Action, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Ronimo GamesPublisher:Ronimo GamesRelease Date: 2 Sep, 2015 Awesomenauts - Cosmic Captain Ksenia Skin Download For Pc [hacked] Captain Falcon\/Power Rangers!!???OMG!!!11!!!!1!! THIS IS TO000000OOooooOOooooOO000oooo OP!GeeGee. Makes so you can't see her bare legs10\/10 would put on tights again. A very simple Power Rangers inspired skin for Ksenia, there isn't much to say because it's VERY simple, it's a lot like Raelynn's current skins. they change the character A LOT, but it doesn't really add anything else.It's a simple and cheap skin, if you enjoy Ksenia and cannot afford the Dragon skin, this is a great alternative.
Awesomenauts - Cosmic Captain Ksenia Skin Download For Pc [hacked]
Updated: Dec 8, 2020